When is valuation required?
Regulatory compliance:
Companies Act
Income-tax Act
Foreign Exchange Management Act (‘FEMA’)
Securities Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (‘IBC’)
Capital structuring: equity investments, mergers, acquisitions, demergers, slump sale, share capital reduction, buyback
Financial reporting: fair value measurement as required under Indian Accounting Standard (‘Ind‑AS’); purchase price allocation (‘PPA’), employee stock options (‘ESOP’)
Intangible assets valuation: brands, customer contracts, distribution network, know-how, human capital, etc.
Dispute resolution: partner disputes, private equity buyback, etc.
Valuation approach
The value analysis is based on careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of a business situation, after taking into consideration the relevant valuation approaches and methodologies that are internationally accepted.
The commonly used internationally accepted approaches and methodologies for valuing businesses/ assets are as follows:
Market approach: Under this approach, a business is usually valued considering the market price of similar and/ or identical assets for which market price information is available.
Comparable Companies Multiples method (‘CCM’)
Comparable Transaction Multiples method (‘CTM’)
Market Price method (‘MP’)
Income approach: The income approach provides an indication of value by converting future cash flows to a single current value.
Discounted Cash Flow method (‘DCF’)
Relief from Royalty method (‘RRM’)
Multi-Period Excess Earnings method (‘MEEM’)
With and Without method (‘WWM’)
Option Pricing models
Cost/ Asset approach: Cost approach indicates the value by adjusting the asset and liability balances in the balance sheet.
Replacement cost method
Reproduction cost method
Summation/ Net Asset Value method (‘NAV’)
Why us?
Our strength in value analysis stems from our diversified background not only in financial modelling and forecasting, but also in M&A transaction negotiation and structuring as well as having experience in accounting and reporting.
Our associate firms include Chartered Accountants firm (for FEMA and Income-tax valuation compliances); registered valuers (registered with IBBI for Companies Act valuation compliances); and Category I – Merchant Bank (registered with SEBI).
With these associations and experience, we can cater to any valuation requirement, whether required for statutory compliances or for internal management purposes.