Any M&A transaction or raising equity for a company is a long-drawn process. It usually takes several months to identify the right buyer/ investor, agree on a value and sign a term sheet. This is followed by a due diligence on the seller/ investee company by the investor’s team.
Acumen specialises in data room setup and vendor assistance advisory to the seller/ investee companies.
What is data room assistance?
It is a coordinated effort to provide relevant and timely information required for the due diligence review.
Advantages of our Data Room Assistance advisory:
Frees up management bandwidth
- If your company is not adequately prepared, the due diligence review can drag on for months. Precious management time gets diverted to non-core activities
- Our data room assistance services can help free up the management bandwidth by being the ‘one-point contact’ for the due diligence coordination
Maximization of value
- As you are aware, valuation of the company is usually done at a multiple of the sustainable earnings of a company. Any due diligence adjustments eventually results in value chipping. Data room assistance advisory enables the company in minimising such value adjustments and maximise the sales price.
Our approach
Understanding the business
This ensures effective representation of the business during due diligence process and minimise the disruption to the normal running of the business.
Soft due diligence
Our experienced team will do a soft due diligence on your company to identify potential key issues early in deal process and decide on the extent and manner of information to be provided to the investor’s due diligence team.
Remedial actions
Mitigate/ rectify any possible errors/ discrepancies in the records, prior to verification by financial due diligence team.
Data room set-up
Collation of documents and records as required by the due diligence team. This will ensure that all the desired information is ready and provided in a timely manner.
Due diligence advisors pride themselves on the number of deals they break. We pride ourselves on the number of deals we help make!